Trader and Investors

Failure due to psychology
A lot of time, energy and money invested in technical analyses, money/risk management and strategy work and then the consistent implementation fails due to the Mastering your own mind. The lack of psychological management often leads to a lack of profit development and trading inefficiency. In addition Traders and investors often experience an emotional rollercoaster depending on their trading success. Mental problems are e.g:
Fear of missing out on opportunities or of high losses
Self-doubt, dissatisfaction, lack of happiness
Feelings of remorse and emotion-led trading, irrationality
Decrease in performance (lack of motivation, concentration and energy)
Physical problems and sleep problems (due to stress and circling thoughts)
Lack of work-life balance (constant trading options due to time difference/stock exchange opening hours) and few social contacts
Regaining psychological control through coaching
Coaching sessions for mindset, performance and personality help you to manage your own psychological risks and gain mental strength.
With psychological skills amore stable profit development and mental well-being can be achieved. The goals and returns on investment of coaching are, for example
Awareness and control over psychological influences in trading
Knowledge of your own psyche and personality and understanding of your own behavioural patterns
Control your own emotions and thoughts (strategies for calmness, being able to switch off)
Mindset for performance, motivation and trading life balance
Understanding the psychology of capital market trading
Dealing with high losses/series of losses and high profits

Personal coaching for financial market traders - in person* or online
Individual one-to-one sessions
In a personal and confidential setting for private or professional traders and investors:
Individual 1:1 sessions with a professional psychologist by flexible appointment
The duration, time and frequency of the coaching sessions can be arranged flexibly according to availability.
As a single session (one-time) or
2-month support (subscription package) possible.
Additional for Abos
Ad-hoc advice possible by telephone and via chat
Access to the member area with helpful information and direct access to online sessions
*in Berlin/Brandenburg

Training programme developed according to a scientific approach in a group context with other private or professional traders and investors:
Structured 12-week online program to build and train financial psychology skills
Personal exchange of experiences with other participants/financial market traders
Programme content: regular live calls (webinars, workshops, group coaching sessions and moderated exchange of experiences), speaker presentations, community building, individual 1:1 sessions with a psychologist
Voices of financial market traders on the relevance of psychology
„Das Problem ist nicht der Markt, sondern das Problem ist das eigene Ego und die emotionale Unvernunft beim Handeln. Nach dem ersten hohen Verlust traded niemand so wie davor.“
„Emotionaler Stress oder Ablenkung durch private Themen haben oft negative Auswirkungen auf die Leistung und den Erfolg. Diese Probleme müssen gelöst werden, damit man einen klaren Kopf hat und sich voll auf das Traden konzentrieren kann.“
„Wenn du an dem Punkt bist, dass du dein Handeln nicht mehr kontrollieren kannst oder nicht aufhören kannst, solltest du definitiv eine Pause machen oder dir psychologische Hilfe holen. Sobald du anfängst, nicht mehr rational und konsequent nach Statistiken, Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Strategien zu handeln, ist das ein Warnsignal.“
„Trading und Psychologie sind gleichgestellt. Das verstehen die meisten erst, nachdem sie über Jahre viele schmerzvolle Verluste verzeichnen mussten, weil ihre Psyche gegen ihre Strategie arbeitet. Umso früher du anfängst, dich mit deiner Psychologie zu beschäftigen, desto schneller wirst du erfolgreich.“