FinPsychology Consulting
Psychologie für mehr Erfolg im Trading und Investment
Coachings zur Entwicklung entscheidender Skills und mentaler Stärke.
Für weniger psychologische Fehler und mehr Erfolg als Finanzhändler.

Psychological influences on financial trading and investment decisions
Why are psychological skills crucial for traders in financial markets?
Financial market traders are often unconsciously exposed to psychological risks to their success and mental well-being. According to studies*, a lack of psychological risk management skills leads to financial decisions and a lower financial result. Other negative consequences are mental feeling of stress, dissatisfaction and decreasing trading performance.
Emotional driven decisions
Kognitive Verzerrungen („Biases“) bei Finanzentscheidungen und Investmentprozessen
Influence of other financial market participants and capital market dynamics

Self-doubt due to constant uncertainties and incomplete basis for decision-making
Personal behavioural tendencies and
Personality characteristics (e.g.
risk tolerance)
Mentale Belastungen durch Anspannung, Unsicherheiten und „psychischem Druck“
*Nofsinger, 2012; Barber & Odean, 2013; Grunewald & Möller, 2017
Objectives of FinPsychologys' counselling and training
Improving psychological skills for financial market trading
Financial psychology skills can increase awareness and control over psychological influences and increase mental strength. This helps to improve the quality of trading decisions and promote the well-being of financial market traders.

Self-management and discipline techniques for psychological risk reduction

Awareness and control of psychological influences on financial decisions

Recognising psychological factors on capital market developments

Reflection of own behavioural patterns and automatisms in investment and investment decision-making processes

Strategies for controlling emotions and thoughts (dealing with psychological stress)

Mindset for resilience, serenity, well-being and performance

About FinPsychology
Mission of FinPsychology Consulting
FinPsychology Consulting is a psychological consulting and training company specialising in the psychology of financial market trading and financial market traders. Employees of financial companies and private capital market traders (traders, investors) are provided with the financial psychology equipment that makes a decisive contribution to current and future success. The programme is based on application-related and scientific quality standards. The personal counselling, training and coaching sessions are primarily carried out by the company management and financial psychologist, who are in close, quality-assuring contact with professionals in the financial sector.
Solutions for traders and companies in the financial sector
Overview of services
Private and institutional financial market traders are supported in developing psychological skills and strategies in order to exert more influence on the psychological part of financial market behaviour and investment decisions.

Traders and Investors
Private or institutional traders and private investors
• 1:1 counselling and coaching
• Course programme (group, online)

Financial companies
Employees of banks and financial service providers, e.g. portfolio and investment managers, financial advisors.
• Seminars and coachings
• Lectures and training courses for corporate academies

Provider of financial education
Educational institutions, professional associations, clubs, conference organizers and financial platforms.
• Lectures, webinars, authoring
• Teaching for certification and further education programmes
Frequently asked Questions
Who is the FinPsychology Consulting offer suitable for?
Our consulting, training and coaching services specialize in all private and professional traders of financial instruments. This includes professional groups such as traders, investors, investment managers, risk analysts, financial advisors and asset managers as well as professional gamblers (poker players) and private investors.
Does the offer also include financial advice?
No. We do not offer financial or investment advice and do not provide information on investment or trading strategies.
Im Fokus stehen vielmehr psychologische Strategien und das Management des Faktors Mensch. In finanzpsychologischen Trainings geht es um die Aneignung von psychologischen Fähigkeiten, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Erlangung von Mentalstärke.
Who provides advice and training at FinPsychology Consulting?
The consulting and training services are primarily provided personally by the psychologist and company founder, depending on the assignment and requirements in cooperation with qualified partner psychologists specialising in the fields of financial and trading psychology and financial market traders. For quality assurance purposes, we work closely with target group-specific professionals (e.g. portfolio managers, traders) and members of the financial sector.
What are financial psychological consultations & training?
Our mission is to pass on expert knowledge in financial and trading psychology to people in the financial trading industry in order to help them act in a more psychologically competent manner.
Finanzmarkthändler werden bei ihren bei Kaufs- und Verkaufsentscheidungen ständig und enorm – bewusst und unbewusst – durch psychologische Faktoren beeinflusst. Der Wissensvorsprung und das Beherrschen finanzpsychologischer Skills durch Trainings ist daher oft erfolgsentscheidend.
What are common occasions for our offering to individuals?
Finanzmarkthändler wollen ihr finanzspezifisches Know-How durch relevantes finanzpsychologisches Wissen und durch psychologische Skills ergänzen. Unsere Kunden haben verstanden, dass der psychologische Anteil im Kapital- und Börsenhandel hoch ist und die Einflüsse auf den Faktor „Mensch“ stärker kontrolliert werden können. Kurz ausgedrückt: Wissen ist Macht und Skills helfen das Wissen zur erfolgskritischen Anwendung zu bringen.
Die oben gelisteten Ziele geben weitere Indikatoren für Anlässe unserer Kunden.
What are common occasions for our offering from companies?
Our financial clients recognize the need to equip their employees with critical financial psychology skills to help their staff improve day-to-day financial decisions and promote mental wellbeing.
We advise financial companies on the following issues, for example:
- How can managers use the findings of financial psychology to improve the financial decision-making culture in their organizations?
- To what extent can advisors use the principles of financial psychology to help clients cope with financial uncertainty and address the psychological aspects of client decisions in uncertain times?
- How can companies promote an understanding of financial psychology and better financial decisions among their employees?
Our services include group training and workshops for employees and managers, individual counselling and coaching and specialist presentations.
We also offer strategic HR consulting for financial-psychological personnel development and see ourselves as a long-term partner for your HR managers if required.
Kunden und Kooperationspartner

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Client voices
Mrs Thiele was my contact person and psychologist. I felt at ease with her right from the start. Ms Thiele helped me to recognize and overcome my personal blockages so that I could pursue my goals even more effectively. She also made it clear to me in which situations I tend to make emotional decisions and how I can make better rational decisions instead. The counselling session with her was very informative and has had a lasting impact on my personal success. Thank you very much!
I took away many helpful tips and optimisation points from psychology. Mrs Thiele explains everything very clearly, even for non-psychologists. Many thanks again!
I would always consult Mrs Thiele as a psychologist. The coaching on trading psychology has helped me a lot. I can highly recommend her to all traders/investors!